doMPI 0.2.2 (2017-05-01)
- added startMPIcluster "defaultopts" option
doMPI 0.2.1 (2014-12-20)
- fixed "R CMD check" warnings reported by Kurt Hornik
doMPI 0.2 (2013-06-14)
- require R 2.14.0 or newer
- added setRngDoMPI function
- added backend-specific "seed" option for reproducible results
- added compiler support and "nocompile" option to disable it
- added two new examples to demonstrate "cluster exporting"
- switched from multicore to parallel package
- improved variable exporting support
- fixed error handling when calling combine function
- removed nws support
- fixed bugs in pi2.R and initEnvir.R examples
doMPI 0.1-5 (2010-08-10)
- fixed "R CMD check" warning reported by Kurt Hornik
doMPI 0.1-4 (2010-01-14)
- add backend-specific "initEnvirMaster" option
- added randomForest example and benchmark
- fixed build problem caused by use of randomForst in vignette
- fixed use of "/dev/null" for better Windows support
- loaded multicore in non-spawn mode as it is in spawn mode
doMPI 0.1-3 (2009-12-09)
- modified exception handling in the worker loop to be more efficient
- renamed workerLoop to dompiWorkerLoop to avoid conflict with nws
- added mtag and wtag arguments to startMPIcluster and openMPIcluster
- added a README file to acknowledge people and packages
doMPI 0.1-2
- rewrote MPI broadcast support to be more efficient
- added backend-specific "forcePiggyback" and "bcastThreshold" options
- added support for executing doMPI scripts in non-spawn mode
- added support for multiple cluster objects by adding "comm" and
"intercomm" arguments to startMPIcluster
- modified benchmarks to take command line arguments using getopt
- modified benchmarks and examples to run in non-spawn mode
doMPI 0.1-1
- added sanity checks on the way the program is executed
- added backend-specific "profile" option
- added "bcast" argument to startMPIcluster
- added "logdir" argument to startMPIcluster and startNWScluster
- use of mclapply controlled via "maxcores" argument
- multicore and nws are now suggested rather than required
- new examples and a demo
doMPI 0.1
- project created on r-forge